• +55 12 3923-1668
  • +55 12 3942-6868
  • cemef@cemef.com.br

Numerical simulation (CAE)

(Finite Element analysis)

The computational and numerical simulation with the finite element method is an essential tool for solving problems involving several engineering subjects. Its application has helped to reduce the time to develop products and processes, to identify structural failures and to solve multidisciplinary analyzes. CEMEF uses industry-standard analytics tools such as the NXFemap / Nastran, ANSYS, COSMOS, Solidworks Simulation and OpenFOAM programs to deliver engineering solutions to its clients.

Available numerical simulations:

  • Linear / non-linear static analysis (stresses and displacements).
  • Modal analysis (natural modes and frequencies).
  • Linear / non-linear buckling analysis.
  • Heat transfer analysis.
  • Non-linear analysis with contact and installation.
  • Dynamic response analysis (vibrations, earthquakes).
  • Fatigue and damage tolerance analysis (propagation of cracks).
  • Fluid dynamics analysis (CFD).
  • Discrete elements (DEM).
  • Consideration of different materials such as composites, elastomers or others in the analyzes.

Application areas:

 Mining / Steel
 Aerospace / Defense
 Civil Engineering
 Consumer products
 Electrical / Electronic
 Heavy equipment